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About the new Slot.it V12/4 motor (MX16)
We've received several queries about the specs of the new 'small can' V12 motor (MX16), also known as V12/4. In particular, several customers have raised the question that this motor is specified as 23K RPM, whereas the previous one (MX06) was 21.5K.
Actually, the current V12/3 orange endbell motor (MX06) revs at about 23K too.
A few years ago the factory changed the metal case of the orange endbell motor, from the old one with rounded off edges, to the actual one with squared edges. This unintendedly and unexpectedly increased the RPM from 21.5K to 23K, but the motor specification was never officially upgraded.
Thus, the new 23K V12/4 MX16 motor is exactly the same as the old 21.5K V12/3 unit, except for two things
1 - a different endbell, which is now a single piece in order to keep the brushes more firmly and hopefully have a more stable production across batches
2 - an electrical noise suppressor (varistor ring) inside the motor
Performance-wise, they are the same.
Please note that indeed the new motor shall be called V12/4.
Bedeutet wohl dass wir bei unseren Reglements genau schauen sollten ob alles die gleichen 21.5K- oder 23K-Motoren sind - orange ist nicht gleich orange !?
lg Michael